Monday, February 21, 2011


Quiet monday night, the darkness as set in, wind is blowing strong and it s a typical feburary evening with cold temperature and crispy air. People are all lock inside, having dinner and relaxing after there long hard day of work. But it s not relaxing time for everyone

I m heading out for a routine z2 run in the cold air and venture on my usual Subaru loops that consist in many little dark alley and quiet street all the way to the subaru dealership where i can dream of my next purchase.

But tonight wasnt a routine night and what was about to happen was about the change everything. As i was settling peacefully in my rythme, feet touching the ground and bouncing quickly, nice form and moving along well, i heard some step behind me...... a quick look behind me confirm my suspicion, another runner was closing in. Now, this might seems normal for most but i have to be honest, in all those year training and running in penticton, i have perhaps once or twice been pass by a runner. But this time, in a dark cold night, someone was moving in.......

I took a quick turn on the channel, the darkest path in the night. A path so dark that only a experience channel runner can manage at this the lightness of the night. The runner behind me took the same turn....... I M HUNTED..... it s clear...who the hell is running behind me and catching me;

quickly in my mind, the check list happen

Olly piggon; no freaking way, the guy is at home drinking coke and watching cable illegaly.

Tom Evans: thing is for sure, tom lives in the Eastern part of town and never venture on the west side....too dangerous for him or his dog....

That guy Wade something; ..... no ...he seems like a nice guy...he would not chase me like this.

Scott Macmillan; This was definitly one of the suspect on my list, the guy will not miss a opportunity to take a shot at me and destroy my comfidence by running me down in the darkness....he is just that kind of guy.... but no, he as a kid and should be home changing dippers ....

Dave Mathison; ???? nah...the guy is so out of shape....kind of a school nerds....

Then, it become all so clear, i was under a vicious attack from a young, mean spirit and arrogant little bastard...... Closing the gap at a impressive rate and hearing those quick footstep... it could only be Jeff Symonds....... And it was... passing me, a old veteran and not having the class to acknowledge my good running form or giving me a ‘’looking strong jonny’’ comments, he simply told me he had to do a progressive run and that the warm up was almost over........

Yep, what a cheap and sneaky attack at me it was..... Jeff trying to establish himself as the very prestigous KING of PENTICTON passed me and left me behind eating is dust....

Well, big boy.... i wont forget this evening of feburary 21th...... i will get back to you this summer on the race course.... lets meet at the oliver world champ.... and get down to buisness....



Mr. Waterman said...

I run out there too.

Mr. Waterman said...
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